How to Bring "That Friend" to Church / Mark 6:53-56
New Beginnings • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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You are not here by accident. Either someone brought you or God worked in your life giving you the desire to come.
I once visited a church named, “the healing place.” That should be true of every church. If you have experience change here, it’s likely that you want your friends to experience the same transformation.
But how do you invite your friends? Especially, “that friend?” The one that would make people uncomfortable.
In our final story from the book of Mark, we’ll learn how to invite “that friend” to church.
1. Recognize Jesus
53 When they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret and moored to the shore. 54 And when they got out of the boat, the people immediately recognized him
Contrast the disciples with the people of Gennesaret. The disciples did not recognize Jesus as he walked on water, instead their hearts were hardened. Amazingly, these people recognized him as soon as he stepped onto the shore.
Sometimes you can look at pictures so closely that you do not recognize the image.
Do you recognize Jesus? You can spend time with him, experience miracles, and listen to teaching but not recognize him for who he truly is.
Silent Disco example: when you recognize the song you are motivated to invite your friend.
When you come here, come to experience Jesus. Only when you recognize him as the solution will you be motivated to bring your friends to church.
2. Bring people as you find them
55 and ran about the whole region and began to bring the sick people on their beds to wherever they heard he was.
They understood Jesus’ reputation as a healer. So they brought their sick friends.
When it comes to church people often view it like people needing to become olympians before coming to the doctor.
“If you wait until you’re better, you will never come at all.”
Jesus was described as “a friend of sinners.” He once taught that “it is not those who are well who need a doctor, but those who are sick.” Bringing people who are broken, needy, and sinful is the exact type of people he came to save.
We can bring all types of people to Jesus because when he touches the sick, rather than him becoming sick. The sick become healed.
3. Bring all types of people
56 And wherever he came, in villages, cities, or countryside,
As was his practice, he went to all types of people. He hung out in the city, the country, and the suburbs. If he visited your high school, he’d befriend the athletes, the intelligent, and even the outcasts. His disciples included fishermen and tax collectors. The religious and rebels.
Contrast to my friend joining a sorority: they considered the car she drove, her appearance, her accomplishments, and even the amount of money her family had.
Church is for all people, not just a certain type of person. No matter how your friends dress or what hobbies they like, you can invite them to our church home.
4. Reach for Jesus and become well
they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored him that they might touch even the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.’
Imagine that they ran their sick friends to Jesus, and when they were placed at his feet, they said, “Nah, no thanks, I’d like to stay sick.”
Everyone is free to come to Jesus for healing. But to be healed, you must want freedom from your sickness.
Come as you are, but don’t expect to stay as you are.
Without this last step, the first three are meaningless. Unless you reach for Jesus by faith, you will not be made well.
Have you reached for Jesus?
Take a moment to pray for healing.